Human thinks because he has hands
Anaxagoras (c. 500 – 428 BC)
Born in Angers (France) in 1973, Guillaume Froger is an alumnus of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iassy (Romania). After working in the public transport sector in London and in social area in Denmark, Switzerland and Romania, he entered the world of the stone in 2003, successfully completing his Stonecutter professional course provided by the education and training organization A.F.P.A. (Montbéliard, France) and passed out with top marks. Since then he has never let any moss gather on his rolling stone !
In late 2003 he entered the Fédération Compagnonnique (Avignon, France) for 2 years where he learned the Stereotomy (descriptive geometry) under master stone carver Olivier Campistron - obtaining in 2005 his Professional Diploma "Métiers de la pierre" (Stone workmanship) with top marks at French national level.
He was commissioned to make a large number of fireplaces and fountains for private individuals in Provence and in Quebec (Canada). He worked as stone carver on several historic monuments like the roman Maison Carrée in Nîmes and the Arles Amphiteater.
In 2009, he decided to leave Stonemasonry to go into Stone Sculpture.
He gained valuable experience such as working on the Strasbourg Cathedral, Orléans Cathedral, Beauvais Cathedral, Metz Cathedral and the Louvre Palace in Paris.
In parallel, he improved his skills under the Sculptor Patrick Berthaud, where he learned academic figurative sculpture, various modeling techniques and copying techniques.
He also has been honing his skills in the noble art of Stone Lettering.
Guillaume Froger is Compagnon Sculpteur sur pierre des Devoirs Unis.
He is now using all these skills providing services for creative projects in Europe and beyond for local communities, companies, organizations and of course private individuals.